LUZON 10 : wE mAy bE NEW... wE mAy bE FEW... but sO0n wE wiLL RiSE in YAHO0...
yOu aRe CuRreNtLy ViEwINg Our SitE aS a GuEsT, wHiCh GiVEs yOu LimiTed aCceSS tO tHe diScuSsiOn aNd OtHEr fEaTuREs...

bY jOiNiNg LuZOn 10 pIonEers, yOu wiLl hAvE cHaNce tO mEet PeOpLe tHat yOu caN caLL fRiEndS, cOmMuNiCaTE pUbLiC Or pRiVaTeLy w/ OtHeR mEmbErS (PM), CrEaTe aNd rEspOnd tO fOruMs, aNd aLsO yOu cAN eNjOy OthEr SpEciaL sTuFfS.

rEgiStRaTiOn iS FaSt aNd SiMpLe, jOiN OuR cOmMuNiTy nOw ! --- ^_^x ---

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LUZON 10 : wE mAy bE NEW... wE mAy bE FEW... but sO0n wE wiLL RiSE in YAHO0...
yOu aRe CuRreNtLy ViEwINg Our SitE aS a GuEsT, wHiCh GiVEs yOu LimiTed aCceSS tO tHe diScuSsiOn aNd OtHEr fEaTuREs...

bY jOiNiNg LuZOn 10 pIonEers, yOu wiLl hAvE cHaNce tO mEet PeOpLe tHat yOu caN caLL fRiEndS, cOmMuNiCaTE pUbLiC Or pRiVaTeLy w/ OtHeR mEmbErS (PM), CrEaTe aNd rEspOnd tO fOruMs, aNd aLsO yOu cAN eNjOy OthEr SpEciaL sTuFfS.

rEgiStRaTiOn iS FaSt aNd SiMpLe, jOiN OuR cOmMuNiTy nOw ! --- ^_^x ---
__________________LuZ0N 10 piOnEeRs : pLEaSe FiLL-Up yOuR rEsPeCtiVe pR0fiLeS aND pOsT PiCtuRe iN pErsOnaL aLbUm --- cOntaCt tHe AdMiNs... tHaNkS! --- ^_^x

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